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Scaplen's Community Players
Would like to join us?
Our performances of drama, story-telling and music are the perfect way to immerse yourself in local, historical theatre. Our performers bring to life real stories from different eras and culture, giving audiences a unique experience. Would you like to join us to take part in our shared history and culture?
New members are always welcome to come along and see what we do. If you are interested in local history, acting, singing, storytelling, directing, assistant stage manager/backstage, costume, properties, front of house or becoming a social member, it would be great to hear from you. No previous experience is necessary. Please contact us by completing the form below. We'll get back to you in person and will add you to our mailing list.
All members will receive regular Newsletters. These will include information about our next production, auditions, workshops and social events. Members will also be able to buy discounted tickets for Scaplen's Community Players performances.
Please note that you'll need to be a member to be involved in our activities and performances. The cost of membership is currently £25 per year or £10 for under 18. Subscriptions run from 1st January to 31st December.
Please contact us to become a member by completing the form (below) on the website, or by email to
Please include your name, email and phone number. We will get back to you in person and add you to our mailing list.
To become a member:
Please complete and submit this form.
Payment of the membership fee can be made by bank transfer to our Lloyds Bank account:
Sort code: 30-99-50
Account no: 17515363
Please quote your name as reference
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